Keeping your foosball table clean and maintained is important to protecting your investment and playing a good, fast-paced game. Dirt, debris, ball marks and spilled drinks are a foosball table's worst nightmare. It is recommended to clean your table once a week during heavy usage and at least every month during low to moderate usage.

Materials required to maintain a foosball table:

  • Cotton rag

  • Isopropyl alcohol (70-90% is best)

  • Silicone

How to maintain a Foosball Table
The first step to maintaining your table is to make sure that you wipe the table with a clean, dry cloth to remove any of the loose dirt and debris from the foosball table. The next step is to apply Isopropyl alcohol to the surface of the table. Use a spray bottle to make it easy to apply. The alcohol will not harm your table surface and it will evaporate quickly. You may need to apply multiple coats on stubborn marks on the playing surface.